- Education & Certification
- Customer Experience Innovation
Number of Modules: 7
Number of Participants Per Cohort
(Min – Max): Up to 30

Modern Marketing Management Part 1 -Capabilities
Introduction to Modern Marketing Capabilities: Strategy and Insights, Creative & Content, Media and Channel Activation, Customer Experience and Personalization, Measurement and Marketing ROI, Product and Pricing.

Modern Marketing Management Part 2 - Enablers
Introduction to Modern Marketing Enablers: Organizational Design & Culture, Agile Way of Working, Talent and Agency Management, Data and Technology.

Brands as Platforms
Transition from relying on brand attributes to a platform strategy that drives stakeholder engagement. Growth strategies involving collaborators and the digital data/insights that can be monetized by creating new markets, forms of engagement and opportunities.

Building Brands through Customer Engagement & TCV
Use “Total Customer Value (TCV)” to create a customer engagement strategy that delivers a superior customer experience. Students will learn how to use analytics to drive higher engagement and value with target customers.

Customer Intelligence & Causal AI
Use techniques like NLP* to build robust customer intelligence and causal Machine Learning (ML) models to explain and predict behaviors and outcomes.

AI & Analytics
How to use AI and analytics to become an organization that assumes a market-driving position of leadership by becoming an insights-driven firm.

Customer-Centricity Simulation
Pull everything together and apply what you learned in a highly interactive simulation developed by the Wharton School of Business. Students will participate in a live simulation moderated by the professor.